Dear Friends
This week I spent time just resting in Colossians 3:17; “And
whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord
Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, giving thanks to God. Essentially
what Paul is saying in Colossians is that you should think about what you do
before you do it. And you need to
consider your words as a Christian before you speak. Remember who you are and whose you are. You were bought at a price.
Consider that your actions and your words are sacred. Sacred, we don’t hear that word very often,
it means; “Dedicated to the honor of God.”
What if that was how we lived our lives?
What if before we did anything we said, “This I do to the honor of God, in
the name of Jesus Christ”?
A friend of mine attended a large women’s retreat and it was
huge, 15,000 women worshiping and praising God, praying and sharing. The minute they exited to the parking lot,
there was chaos, people being cut off, people honking their horns, using
gestures. You would have not known by
their actions or their words that they had just spent eight hours praising God
and promising to honor him through their words and deeds.
When alarm is shut off in the morning, through our bedtime
prayers what if it was all to the in the name of Jesus Christ? What would your day look like?
You start off saying “Good, God it is morning, how may I
serve you this day?” Instead of, “Good
God, it is morning and look at this to do list.”
Our breakfast would become a sacred meal. In fact all our meals would be sacred. It would bring grace to our table and our meal time would reflect that sacredness.
Our daily encounters, doing all to honor God, would become
sacred meetings. Everyone would be
treated with respect. Our business
dealings would become covenantal with God as the center.
There are enough Christians in this world, to change the world;
we just have to start acting and speaking like Christians. So this week spend some time just resting in Colossians
3:17; “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
In Christ’s Love,
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